Saturday, September 8, 2007

"Change, it's a good thing." (Martha Stewart, 2006)

The leaves are changing early this year. I've heard it's because of the dry summer; stressed trees turn earlier in the fall. And we have definitely had a dry summer. It's hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago we were in a place of perpetual sunshine and warmth, green and beautiful all year. But the turning leaves and the sun moving further south with each passing day reminds me that change is inevitable, and that the time to prepare is upon us. That things even need to be put up for the winter makes me think that our lives are perhaps a little too complicated. It would be nice to live someplace where you needed less to contend with the changing moods of mother nature. Or, maybe, I just make things more complicated than they need to be. Either way, a change is coming and we need to get ready. I've met people who, as they get older, dislike change in their lives. I think as I get older I look forward to it; every change in my life has ultimately brought something good, whether it was recognized from the beginning or not. So, sometimes it may seem a little inconvenient, or downright bad, but change is certainly better than its alternative. Just make the best of it and good will inevitably come.

So, you've probably noticed, most of this is just fluff...nothing of any real import. Mostly, just adding verbage to see how this site works.

1 comment:

  1. Change is better than the alternative. If we could reach a point in our lives where we were content, and could just press the "pause" button then and there, we could live for eternity in a happy moment. And that would be the most certain way to prevent us from reacher a happier eternal resting place. We have to go through the ups and downs of life, riding out whatever changes may come, and when this life is over, we can have a better eternity than anything we can imagine while living out mortality.
