Monday, September 24, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

More Than Fudge

Since our last serendipitous side trip to Mackinac Island during the last Mackinac Bridge walk a few weeks ago I've been wanting to return to the island before the "Closed for the season" signs go up and the island hunkers down for winter. So, with some free 'VIP' tickets that I got from an ex-ferry captain in hand, we hopped on a Starline rooster-tail boat and held on for the bumpy 15 minute ride from St. Ignace across an unusually choppy channel. The rooster-tail spray from the back of the boat, if not functional, was at least fun, especially with the "rooster rainbow" that followed us all the way to the island dock. Upon disembarking the vessel the first thing I noted was a surfeit of Mitt Romney for President signs. It seems he and the Michigan Republican Party had chosen the same weekend for a rah-rah ice cream social at the Grand Hotel. Did they get free tickets, too?

Fudgies, as locals call tourists carrying those dense, calorie-laden blocks of chocolate fudge, walked the streets with every kind of Romney paraphernalia a printer could print. "Romney in '08" was the definite theme of the day. I like Romney, and might even vote for him, but we quickly felt the need to escape the blue t-shirted army of Romney-ites wandering the streets in groups of 2 like missionaries proselyting the virtues of conservative values.

So, for $5 an hour each, we jumped on 3 bicycles and headed down the road to circumnavigate the island on a relatively flat, paved road that heads out of town in either direction. After passing million dollar mansions and several top-notch resorts the road soon gave way to a beautiful two lane path following the shoreline completely around the island. The colors of the lake actually reminded me of the waters of O'ahu with white beaches turning to tan, azure, and then the deep blue of the distant channels surrounding the island. One thing O'ahu doesn't have is the fiery reds and oranges of the turning leaves of fall. That makes Mackinac special. The ride took about 2 hours, and was one of the most enjoyable things we've done in a long time. I'm beginning to think I could learn to love island life, whether it's O'ahu, Maui, or Mackinac. And, as it turned out, when we finished our ride, we were happy to sit with all the Romney supporters serving up free ice cream and sodas. I guess it beats kissing babies.

Of course, we loaded up on fudge before the last boat to the U.P. set sail. I hid mine in my camera bag to avoid the fudgie epithet, but I think the locals knew.

Monday, September 17, 2007


Connor got a new friend the other day; her name is Delilah, after one of his favorite songs. We're not sure what breed she is, but she looks to be a cross between a Dachshund and a Corgi, or other terrier of some sort. We got her from the animal shelter, so we don't know much about her. About 5 yrs old, she knows a few tricks and responds to several basic commands. She's taken a real liking to Connor, and spends a lot of time sitting with him. Always being compared to Clover, she's got some big shoes to fill. But, in time, I'm sure she'll find her own place in our home and hearts.

Soo Locks

We have lived in the "Soo" for almost 5 years and I've never been on the Soo Locks Boat Tour. The tour takes you through the American Locks from the Lake Huron "low side" to the Lake Superior "high side". It's an interesting study in machines and mechanics, although it ain't rocket science. You go in the low side of the St. Mary's River and they close the gates behind you and fill the tub. Up 21 feet in about 15 minutes as the water flows in. Just gravity at work. Then they open the other side and you float on out to the high side of the river. It's amazing how low-tech it all is, although I'm sure computers help run some of the operation. The lockmaster literally gives you the "green light" to enter the locks as the enormous gates open. Dockworkers scurry around as the deckhands toss them lines to be tied down. Then you just sit and wait as the water either lifts you up or brings you down to the appropriate level. Then it's out the other end. There is no cost to any vessel using the locks; all that is required is that your vessel has a motor, and that you promise to tie up while you're in the locks. That's it. After leaving the American Locks you go out into the river, scout around the back side of Algoma Steel Plant and then pull a big U-turn and return through the Canadian Locks. The Canadian side is for pleasure crafts only, so it's not nearly so impressive. The entire trip lasts about 2 hrs, and is interesting through the entire tour.

It must take a master mariner to park one of those 1000 ft freighters into the relatively narrow slip of water between the gates. Your aim has to be perfect. Sometimes I forget about the history of sea going vessels that run between the lakes and the great nautical past of Sault Ste. Marie. A lap around the locks sure brings that history to life.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

50th Mackinac Bridge Walk

Labor Day, 2007, marked the 50th anniversary of the Mackinac Bridge Walk and was celebrated by almost 60,000 walkers who hiked the entire 5 mile length of the bridge. We got started late, entering the bridge on the St. Ignace side about 9 am, and walked into a crowd crossing the bridge like a huge human caterpillar. We took our time and enjoyed the morning, trying to see things up close that you don't normally get to see when you drive across at 45 mph. It took us about 2 hrs. to get all the way across. It was interesting to see and feel how much the bridge sways and rumbles in the wind. When we hit the mid-way sag in the suspension I felt a little like a drunken man because the bridge was swaying almost imperceptibly; my equilibrium was just slightly off, but enough to feel dizzy as the concrete and steel wriggled from side to side under my feet. When we got to the other side we found out there was a 4 hr. wait for a taxi to take you back across. And the lines for the buses weren't much better. So, we killed some time in Mackinaw City, then hopped a ferry to the island (Mackinac). The island was a nice highlight that we hadn't expected; we had a nice lunch and shopped for a while before needing to depart and catch the last ferry leaving for St. Ignace. All in all it was a nice way to finish up the summer. School started the next day.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Vacation Memories

I can't remember the last year we didn't take a family vacation. Since we've had kids, I think we've taken a two or three week vacation at least once a year. One year during my residency training at the University of Wisconsin we took a 6 week vacation to El Paso, southern California and Disney, then back through Colorado. We've been to Disney so many times I lose track of who was with us when we went during different years. My point is this; so many of my memories about our family growing up are referenced to particular vacations we took. The Disney years, the Southwest years, the Door County times, and, more recently, the Hawai'i trips all conjure up different stages of our family's growth. Between the vacations we've had our share of challenges, but the vacations have always been good. Sometimes not as relaxing as we'd like, with the struggles of keeping 4 kids happy at a time, but the memories I took away from each adventure are more cherished by me than anything I have. I think that's what got me so interested in photography; when I get too old to actually remember an event, I can look back at a snapshot moment when we were at a particular place at a particular time and the happy emotions of that time will fill the space once occupied by the lost memory. Anyway, that's what I'm hoping. Actually, I'm hoping I won't ever be that senile; but just in case, here is a sample of some of our more recent trips.

"Change, it's a good thing." (Martha Stewart, 2006)

The leaves are changing early this year. I've heard it's because of the dry summer; stressed trees turn earlier in the fall. And we have definitely had a dry summer. It's hard to believe that just a couple of weeks ago we were in a place of perpetual sunshine and warmth, green and beautiful all year. But the turning leaves and the sun moving further south with each passing day reminds me that change is inevitable, and that the time to prepare is upon us. That things even need to be put up for the winter makes me think that our lives are perhaps a little too complicated. It would be nice to live someplace where you needed less to contend with the changing moods of mother nature. Or, maybe, I just make things more complicated than they need to be. Either way, a change is coming and we need to get ready. I've met people who, as they get older, dislike change in their lives. I think as I get older I look forward to it; every change in my life has ultimately brought something good, whether it was recognized from the beginning or not. So, sometimes it may seem a little inconvenient, or downright bad, but change is certainly better than its alternative. Just make the best of it and good will inevitably come.

So, you've probably noticed, most of this is just fluff...nothing of any real import. Mostly, just adding verbage to see how this site works.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Our 30th Anniversary at Waikiki Beach

We spent our 30th wedding anniversary at Waikiki Beach in Honolulu. Rosalie started our 3 week vacation in Mau'i, then on to O'ahu after a couple of weeks. We had a nice 1 bedroom condo on the beach while in Ka'anapali, Mau'i. It was soothing to listen to the surf all night with the cool ocean breeze blowing into our room from the lanai. On O'ahu we stayed on the 20th floor of a resort right on Waikiki Beach. It had a beautiful view of the ocean from the lanai. We would walk to the beach everyday, and spend most evenings there, or shopping along the beach boulevard. It was so much fun that I don't think we'll wait another 30 years before returning; we'll probably spend the next 30 years there. Rosalie's already looking for property there. The only question is whether to make a 'lock, stock and barrel' move or ease into it in a condo for a few months out of the year.

A Welcome to All

welcome to all who are joining us for the first time. That would include just about everyone since this is the first entry to the first edition of The Ayer Blog Page. It is our hope that we can all post pictures and add appropriate commentary to help us keep in touch and up to date about everything that's happening in our lives. This is important since the experiences of our lives seem to take us to the farthest corners of the earth. So, why not take advantage of the wonderful technology at our disposal; in our bedrooms, in our basements, at the kitchen table, and anywhere else we can carry our laptops...our entire world is just a few keystrokes and moments away.

Please be patient, this blog is a work in progress. As we get more adept at putting things together it is our hope that this blog will be a fun and efficient way of staying close. Any suggestions you might have for making the site more interesting or user-friendly would be greatly appreciated. So...wish us luck, and here's to happy blogging.